Funding Opportunities

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Predoc Opportunities

Postdoc Opportunities


Trainees must be US citizens or permanent residents. Predoctoral candidates must have completed the first year examination to be eligible. MD-PhD students are eligible. Trainees will be appointed for a period of two years, with the second year dependent on performance during year 1. PIs are allowed to nominate more than one candidate. Nomination of under-represented candidates is especially encouraged. Junior preceptors may nominate candidates, but must provide suggestions of senior faculty who would be appropriate to serve as co-mentors to the nominee.

Selection Criteria For Predocs

Undergraduate record, GRE Scores, Graduate core course performance, performance in the laboratory, cancer-relevance of the proposed project, anticipated value of training program to candidate, commitment of candidate/PI to training program. Priority will be given to candidates in years 2-4 of graduate training. A short list of candidates will be selected for in-person interviews with members of the Steering Committee.

Application Materials

  • The PI should submit a nomination letter that indicates the candidate’s strengths, describes the cancer relevance of current and planned projects that he/she will carry out, and defines how the candidate would benefit from and contribute to the training program.
  • The PI should also submit a one-page Other Support document that list current and pending research support, highlighting sources available to support the trainee’s research.
  • Candidate must submit a current biosketch and a one-page description of research and cancer relevance, preferably in NIH grant Specific Aims page format.
  • The PI should also obtain a copy of the graduate academic file from the home department, and submit this to the CRI office. The relevant materials from the graduate file are: undergraduate transcript, GRE scores, graduate transcript, rotation reports, awards.
  • The Nomination packet should be submitted electronically to Krystina Jarema at

Professional Development Programs

See GPS-STEM website

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