Marcus Seldin

Marcus Seldin

Assistant Professor
School of Medicine (Biological Chemistry)
Office 314 Sprague Hall
Phone: 949 824-6765

We are interested in dissecting mechanisms of integrative physiology using systems genetics approaches. Specifically, our focus is to understand mechanisms of inter-organ signaling by combining population genetics and experimental approaches. This entails surveying natural variation in mouse and human populations for concordant patterns of genetic architecture, clinical traits and intermediary molecular information (eg. transcripts, proteins and/or metabolites). The basic intuition for these approaches assumes that striking links exist between genetic variation and clinical outcomes, which can only be understood when analyzed alongside molecular information. This requires a combination of bioinformatics, biochemical and physiologic experimental approaches.

CRI Research Focus Area(s): Area 5(1)
Systems Genetics, Endocrine Physiology, Metabolism, Cell-Cell Communication
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